NZWindows Sustainability Journey – Waste Diversion Efforts Recognised With Green Award
At NZWindows, we recognise that our practices and operations need to be done in a way which protects and enhances our natural resources, demonstrating kaitiakitanga (guardianship) over our environment.
In March 2023, as part of our journey towards a more sustainable future, NZWindows joined Tauranga City Council’s 5-year Resource Wise Programme to better understand our environmental footprint. An annual waste audit undertaken at our Bay of Plenty branches revealed crucial insights and gave us a deep understanding into the composition of our waste going to landfill.
Our journey began at the bronze level, and now, a year on marks a massive milestone in our commitment to a greener future. After completing our second waste audit, we are extremely proud to announce that our Bay of Plenty manufacturing site reached stage 5 in the programme and has been awarded the prestigious Green Award!

But it doesn’t just stop there. We will continue to evaluate our processes, identify areas of opportunity and further increase diversion from landfill by highlighting new diversion streams. Watch this space!
Through our recycling efforts we have achieved a 91% diversion from landfill. At our BOP manufacturing site, our new recycling initiatives have diverted a massive 130 Tonnes of waste going to landfill a year. When we began our sustainability journey, we were disposing of two 4m³ skip bins in the landfill daily—a practice we aren’t proud of. However, driven by our commitment to change, we have successfully reduced this waste to only one bin per week.

The people at NZWindows are our greatest asset and through education programs, focus groups and continuous improvement, our 300+ staff truly are the driving force behind these achievements. By providing full transparency and sharing our waste audit results and goals with our team, we’re fostering a culture of awareness, responsibility and active participation in our sustainability endeavours. It has been inspiring to watch our team embrace these green initiatives and incredibly gratifying to see them apply these learnings in their home environment.
Here at NZWindows, sustainability isn’t a standalone project; it’s a mindset that we’re incorporating into every facet of our operations. Together, we’re not just building windows and doors; we’re building a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.