The Environmental Benefits of Aluminium Windows and Doors 

When it comes to sustainable construction, every decision holds the power to make a lasting impact. One of the most significant choices you can make is in the selection of materials for your windows and doors. Here’s where aluminium takes the spotlight. It’s not just a player; it’s the MVP when it comes to making your building project more eco-friendly.


Embracing Sustainability: The Advantages of Aluminium Windows and Doors for Eco-Friendly Living

1. Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency plays a pivotal role in sustainable building, and aluminium windows and doors shine in this space. They have excellent thermal performance and are effective at insulating against both heat and cold. By effectively minimising heat transfer, they help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, reducing the need for frequent use of heating and cooling systems. The outcome? A significant drop in energy consumption and a noticeable decrease in monthly power bills. The long-term savings on energy costs far outweigh any upfront financial investment. In addition, NZWindows offers both double glazing, and Solux-E, which further improves their energy efficiency.


2. Recyclable Material

Aluminium is one of the most sustainable materials on the planet… In fact, it is 100% recyclable! Unlike other construction materials destined for landfills, aluminium windows and doors can enjoy multiple lifecycles. Notable for its ability to be recycled indefinitely, this reduces the demand for new raw materials and the energy demands required during the extraction and manufacturing processes.

Our supplier APL is the only aluminium extruder in Australasia that recycles its scrap directly with a smelter, of which 99.9% of aluminium scrap within their network is recycled.


3. Durability and Longevity

Sustainable construction revolves around crafting structures that stand the test of time and aluminium windows and doors are the undisputed champions in this arena. With its exceptional resistance to corrosion, aluminium has an exceptionally long lifespan. Even when exposed to harsh weather conditions your windows and doors will remain in prime condition. In fact, studies have indicated that aluminium windows typically last over 40 years. This extended lifespan not only ensures durability, but also reduces the frequency of replacements, reducing waste and preserving valuable resources.


4. Low Environmental Impact

Aluminium, with its durability, energy efficiency, and recyclability, significantly reduces its overall impact on the environment throughout the entirety of its lifecycle. From manufacturing through to installation and eventual recycling, aluminium windows have a smaller carbon footprint in comparison to alternative materials.


Opening the Door to a Sustainable Future

Now that you are armed with knowledge, its time to make conscious choices in building and design that not only serve your interests, but contribute positively to the planet and the future of our environments. Contact us at NZWindows today and let’s chat about how our aluminium windows and doors can match your requirements.


We are proud to share that APL’s Residential Series, Metro Series and Architectural Series Ranges are now ‘Declared’ by the International Living Future Institute.  This means that our aluminium products are being measured by an industry-recognised tool that requires our suppliers to be totally transparent about our products. Three of our aluminium joinery ranges have also been Toitū carbonreduce certified. This marks a significant milestone in our sustainability journey and commitment to environmental responsibility.


Want to find out more?  Check out what our suppliers are doing in this space.

  • Click here to read more about the Declare label.
  • Click here to read more about Toitu carbonreduce product certification.
  • Click here to read more about our aluminium supplier APL and their commitment to sustainable practices.